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Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Zombie tale

It woz an overcast day...visibility 50%...me and Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid were out on Zombie pawtrol checken da neighborhood fur any kind ob Zombie....
Mommie refilled my Zombie Back Pack wiffhs all da fhings we needed tu fights Zombies....den she sent us on our way....
We woz walken up our woad being eva so quite coz dere might be Zombies out and about.....
We gotted tu da neighbors field....I told Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid tu stop..."Be quiet and dwop tu yur belly and be still pleaze..."
We boffhs dropped tu our bellies and layed dere fur awhile...I culd smell Zombies and told Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid tu getted me Zombie bionoculars out so I culd wook fhru dem tu see if my noze woz correct....
He handed me da Zombie bionoculars and I wooked fhru dem and sure enough I seen twu Field Zombies ober at da neighbors shed...dey were twying tu break in and pwobably set up shop dere tu plan an attack....
Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid woz scared...I told him.."Pwivate don't be scared coz I iz a Master Zombie Hunter twained in killen Zombies ob all kinds..."
He calmed down and den sayed..."Frisbee whutever shall we du tu pwotect da neighbors shed?"
I told him..."We will sneak up on dem and uze our Zombie Smasher and smash dem tu pieces..."
We crawled on our bellies eva so close *paws sweaten heart beaten*...I culd smell dem eva so mush Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid sayed..."Lt. Col. whut du I smell?"  I told him..."Yu smell Field Zombies Pwivate lets use our Zombie gas masks..."
Pwivate Fritter Lee gotted our Zombie gas masks out ob our Zombie Field Back Pack and gabed me mine and den he putted on hiz...."Diz iz mush better Lt. Col." Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid sayed....
Back tu da storie....
So we crawled on our bellies eva so close...getten closer and closer...da Field Zombies didn't eben see or hear uz getten closer and closer coz dey woz inside da shed plotten away....
We gotted tu da door ob da neighbors shed I told Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid..."Waits ere fur me."
He stopped and pulled out hiz Zombie Smasher jus in case...den I crawled closer and closer tu da door...
I gotted tu da door and peeked in and seens da Field Zombies wiffhs a map..."Boy dey sure are ugly..." I sayed tu myself den I jumped inside hit da furst  Field Zombie and down he went...den I hitted da second Field Zombie and down he went tuu...All dead....
I took off my Zombie Gas Mash and called fur Pwivate Fritter Lee tu getted da Zombie trash bags out ob our Zombie Field Pack and bwing dem inside tu cleans up da mess...yu see da Zombie Smashers makes a bad mess and gotted tu be cleaned up...coz dey stink wike wrotten socks....
Pwivate Fritter Lee brought in da Zombie trash bags and I told him don't furget our Zombie gloves.....
We putted on our Zombie gloves den pwoceeded tu cleans up da mess....tied da bags....took off our Zombie gloves den pwoceeded tu go home tu haves Mommie takes uz tu da Zombie dump down da woad....
Da neighbor hurd all da eggcitement and came out and sayed "Another Zombie job well done Lt. Col." we sayed yu iz welcome we iz ere tu serve and pwotect our neighbors....
We wented back home down da woad frum da neighbors houze...gaved da bags tu Mommie she putted dem in the car and away we wented tu da Zombie dump tu dispose ob da bags....
When we gotted home Mommie sayed..."Frisbee and Fritter whut a gud job yu did saven da neighbors shed.." I told her..."Fhank yu Mommie...." den she gabed me and Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid cookies and milk and disfencted our Zombie Smashers wiffhs Zombie soap....
Overall it woz a gweat Zombie hunten eggperience fur Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid coz he in twaining.....
Da end.....
Yur fwiends Lt. Col. Frisbee aka Goobie Master Zombie Hunter and Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid....
We hopes yu'all enjoyed our Zombie adventure....stay tuned fur more coz dere's more tu come....

Haves a gweat day! 


  1. Fris (it's Winter from Twitter) Mew are very very brave! Great job!

    1. Hi Winter Poo fhank yu have a gweat Saturday nite

  2. Wow! You are so brave, Frisbee. Good job.

    1. Hi Miss Iris fhannk yu I iz a Master Zombie Hunter haves a gweat Saturday nite

  3. Dat were da egg citing zomb adventure! You is so brave, Frisbee and Fritter Lee. Love, Jesse pug sausage angel ๐Ÿ˜‡

    1. Hi Jessee fhank yu I am a Master Zombie Hunter...happy Sunday we lubs yu and Mommie haves a gweat day!


If ya's wunts tu talks to me's justs contacts me!