About Me

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Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Rainbow Bridge

 Hi yu'all it's uz agen....no sun yet...

Me, Mommie, Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid and Stormy our kitty truly believes in Rainbow Bridge...

Rainbow Bridge is a wonderful, bootiful, peaceful, safe place dat God haz created fur all ob uz fur babies tu wait fur our hoomens until we reunite wiffhs dem agen one day...

Rainbow Bridge haz sossage twees and bakon twees and waterfalls ob milk...

We have lots so many furs but we knows dey are safe and at Rainbow Bridge waiten fur uz tu reunite wiffhs dem once agen...

Me, Mommie and Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid iz volunteering at da Rainbow grief condolences page on line we iz helpen hoomens wiffhs da way dey are feelen abouts loosen der furs...

We hopes yu will visit Rainbow Bridge website soon and checks it out...

Da end...

Yur fwiends Lt. Col. Frisbee Bradley aka Goobie, Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid and Mommie oh ya and our sisfur kitty Stormy...



Diz me on da bottom ob da picture and Pwivate Fritter Lee aka da Kid on da top ob da picture...


Haves a pawsome day and pleaze take gud care ob each othur...diz vewy impawtent tu du...

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