Dere is a stowy bouts Dandylions and my fwiend Bonnie da Westie.....
Bonnie has a good phylosify on life as du hur Muvva....
She belived da followen:
Life is as fragile as a Dandylion
Tweasure each second before it is gone wiffhs da wind....
Dis is bootiful and it's our Bonnie fur sure....
She was neber mean tu any fur pal or hoomen she luved eberybody
She was always vary luving, kind and wespectsful tu eberybody
She was a special fwiend dat God putted intu my life...yes God (my Mom tole me) puts people intu yur life fur a weason and I beliebes he putted Bonnie intu mine tu help me gwow as a fur baby and tu learn abouts life and why it deals us da cawds it du....
Yes dis is our pwecious Angel Bonnie da Westie.....
Luvs yu Bonnie and Muvva tu da moon and back fureber and eber amen...
Me dearest fwiends...yu can's check outs Bonnie's Blog fur da stowy dat includes da phylosify dat Bonnie hads abouts how pwecious life is at hur Blog...
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