Yes I am a gurl and 13 yrs old I am a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad and Capt in da Zombie Squad Elite Ops and a memba ob #TheAviators #zshq I am dedicating my Blog tu my furever luven special gurlfwiend Bonnie Da Westie whu I miss vewy much she's my BFF furever and ever
Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq
Thant's yu Whitley! Mom picked it outs special fur me. I habes a orange P40 tu wiffs white teefhs opened up on da frunt it's pwetty cool tu! Take care! I luvs #theaviators tu! Ands da #ZombieSquad tu boff are gweat gwoups ob furry fellow memburs ands fwiends tu! Take care!
Ya gots a pawsome plane! I luve #theaviators!
ReplyDeleteThant's yu Whitley! Mom picked it outs special fur me. I habes a orange P40 tu wiffs white teefhs opened up on da frunt it's pwetty cool tu! Take care! I luvs #theaviators tu! Ands da #ZombieSquad tu boff are gweat gwoups ob furry fellow memburs ands fwiends tu! Take care!