About Me

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Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Prowdly serven da Zombie Squad now

Guess whut my fwiends!!!! I am a membur ob da #ZombieSquad 

Yep dat's wight I will be pwotecting da hoomens and ober furry fwiends frum da Zombies. 

My pawtrol area now is in my neighburhood. I've sighted and destwoyed twu Zombies alweady. Da wurld is a safer place wiffs FRISBEE BRADLEY da WuNdEr WeStIe on Zombie pawtrol!!!

Here's my Oaf:



If ya's wunts tu talks to me's justs contacts me!