About Me

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Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A song fur my Cowboy boyfwiend Rowdy

My rifle Pony ands Me
by Wicky Nelsun

Sun is sinken in da west
The cattle goes downs tu da stweam
The Wedwing settles in da nest
It's time fur a Cowgurl tu dweam....

Purple light in da Canyon
That is where I longs tu be
Wiffs my fhree good companions 
Just my wifle pony ands me...

Gonna hangs my sombrero on da limb ob a twee
Comin home gweat my darlin
Just my wifle pony ands me...

Whpperwill in da willow sings a sweet melody
Ridin tu Amarillo just my wifle pony ands me...

No more cows tu be a wopin 
No more stways will I see
Wound the bend Rowdy will be waitin fur my wifle pony ands me...

 Fur my wifle pony ands me.....

I luvs yu tu da moon ands back Rowdy my handsome Cowboy!

Dis is my Cowboy boyfwiend Rowdy....he's handsome and is quite da Gentleman tu......


If ya's wunts tu talks to me's justs contacts me!