About Me

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Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Da Bradley Bumble Bees

Dis my fwiends is our stowy....da stowy ob da Bradley Bumble Bee's

Hi dee ho gud neighbur! Yep dis is my baby Bruvva Fritter Bradley in his new stwipped sweatur completes wiffhs pom pom on top ob hoodie....Me gotted one just likes his....

Dis Bruv at post in pasture fur luk outs fur Zombies.....

Bruv again in his Bumble Bee sweatur....

I was on full Zombie alurt sniffen awound whiles Bruv was chewen ons a stick! *rolls eyes*

Here we boffhs are in our Bumble Bee sweaturs dat our Mom gotted off ob Ebay...whut eber dat is....I don't knows whut she was fhinking ob cuz dey makes us luks like Bumble Bee's but dat's otay we still lubs da ole gal!

We are boffhs still in our Bumble Bee sweaturs and still on Zombie high alurt! Bruv's gotted da sent ob a Zombie I fhinks....

Me and Bruv sniffen outs Pasture Zombies....
More sniffen fur Pasture Zombies....sniff sniff sniff...Bruv's bwinging ups da wear.....

Ands dis is da stowy ob da Bradley Bumble Bee's...me Captain Frisbee aka Goobie Bradley Master Zombie Hunter and my lil Bruvva Pwivate Fritter Lee Bradley...Mom's lil Luv Muffen! *rolls eyes*

Da end!


If ya's wunts tu talks to me's justs contacts me!