About Me

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Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Scrooges Chwistmas Zombie adventure ands our Elfs suits

Hi dere dis me in my Elf suit dat my Mom gotted fur me last Chwistmas time...

Dis my big sisur swett Pickie she COTRB 11/14/15....

Dis me again getten weady on full alurt fur Scrooges Chwistmas Zombies...

On da scent ob one ob Scrooges Chwistmas stinky Zombie...dey don'ts smells like Gingerbwead Men eithur!....

I just knows I'm on da twack ob a Zombie now.....

Dis whut da Elf suits say on our backs....pwetty kool wight?...Daaaat's wight....
My big sissy Pickie in hur Elf suit...she's taken it easy...on pillow Zombie pawtroll...

Ands dis is my bestest bestest fwiend in da whole wide wurld on Zombie pawtroll fur Scrooges Chwistmas Zombies...she's wearen hur Chwistmas necklace wiffhs little bells on it...I gotted one just like it tuu...

Well dat's da end my dearest fwiends!

Take care and haves a vewy Merry Chwistmas...We hopen yu haves a wonorful day...please take care ob yurselfs ands each obher...our time is short and we never knows when dat day will come dat God calls us tu be wiffhs him just dis side ob heaven dat we calls Rainbow Bridge....



  1. We hope he doesn't call you too soon. You have elf work to do! Have a Merry Christmas.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


If ya's wunts tu talks to me's justs contacts me!