Yes I am a gurl and 13 yrs old I am a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad and Capt in da Zombie Squad Elite Ops and a memba ob #TheAviators #zshq I am dedicating my Blog tu my furever luven special gurlfwiend Bonnie Da Westie whu I miss vewy much she's my BFF furever and ever
Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq
Dis is a twibute tu my Tweeten fwiend Simon who crossed over tu Rainbow Bridge. He losted his battle wifhs Cancer. His Mom is very sad dat she don'ts habes hur Simon wiffs hur anymore....
Sad to hear bout your pal.