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Hi eberyone I iz a 13 year old Westie gurl I libes in California wiffhs my Mommie Papa Fritter Lee and three Chickins Janie Gretta and Julie I iz a Lt Col in da Zombie Squad #zshq

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My sissy Pickie Bradley my bestest fwriend eber

 Whens I was just a little pup I was always wonderin who was this doggie wiffs me all tha time.

She was there whens I played wiffs tha toys, wiffs me and Mom whens we went fur our walks ebery day.

 Tha big dog was always watchin outs fur me, takin cares ob me ands protectin me...

Tha big dog usetu play wiffs me and tha toys all tha time! Buts who is she...this big doggie?

 Then one day when I was a little older ands culd understands abuts things Mom told me who this big doggie was....Mom saids, "Frisbee...this is yur sissy Pickie." 
I finally founds out who tha big doggie was. Yes she is my sissy Pickie..she's there tu watche outs fur me, tu protects me,( frum tha stupid neighburs stupid dog Zoie), tu play wiffs me, tu go on adventures wiffs me and Mom, tu goes on walks wiffs me and Mom, tu gets tookies wiffs me frum Mom, tu sleep wiffs me and Mom ebery nite, tu watches me gets my baffs wiffs Mom...but mostest of all my sissy Pickie is here fur me tu luvs me ands be my bestest fwriend foreber! 

 I luvs yu's sissy Pickie and wills foreber and eber and eber....Nows that'd yu'd be oldar I will protects yu and watches outs ober yu!

Tha ends!

From sissy Frisbee Bradley....tha WuNdEr WeStIe

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